Wednesday, January 24, 2018

march 2016

This month we loved the warmer weather for a few days before a huge storm passed through.
We spent Easter in Utah, went to the Zoo and enjoyed swimming at Lava Hot Springs.

Learning how to catch to get ready for t-ball in a couple of weeks.

This kid loves to swing and would sit there all day.

This is his little hiding spot behind the Lilac bush. 

Always stealing my chair!

He loves to take his blanket everywhere.
I try to keep it from going outside, but it doesn't always work.

Another favorite spot. 

I am so grateful our neighbor gave us this swing set.
The kids love it!

Just when you thought it was spring.
The kids didn't mind because they both love the snow.

Lyla in her cute Rainbow Dash hat from Aunt Meggie.

Trav loves to eat the snow.

So much snow!!!

Happy Easter!!
We spent the holiday down at my parents house.

I got this beautiful new dining room table.

Lyla couldn't wait to take her new bike for a ride.

The Easter bunny came for our egg hunt.

While in Utah we went to the Zoo.
Lyla decided not to ride the merry go round.

We also went to BYU campus.

Travis got a new hat.
He loves it and we can hardly get him to take it off.

Later this month we went to Lava Hot Springs!
I think this will become one of our favorite places to go.

Painting in the tub is so much fun!
The kids can get paint everywhere and its easy clean up.

Travis is always full of adventures.

This is one of his favorite spots in the house.
About half the time he doesn't have pants on... 

Even though this kid is full of energy he can often be found reading a book to himself.

He LOVES tub time!

He is in the transition between naps and no naps.
Sometimes he puts himself down for a nap.
Most of the time the only way I get him to nap is to have him sit by me.
Which is nice because then I get a nap.

I finally finished making Lyla a new comforter and redecorated her room.

We also found out....

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