Friday, April 25, 2014

Highlights of December 2013-March 2014

December 2013

We had so much fun making candy houses. Lyla liked eating the candy as we built.

My Christmas kids!
Lyla loves holding Travis...I don't think he likes it as much.

Christmas Eve pj's.

Look was Santa brought Travis. Now mommy can take a shower! ;-)

Lyla received lots of fun things from Santa, but Mom got a new chair for her birthday! Lyla loves sitting in it.

January 2014

We went bowling. Lyla loved it! Her favorite part was the shoes!

Uncle Houston and Aunt Lindsay got married in December in the Washington DC Temple (Scott went), but the kids and I went to their beautiful Boise reception. Lyla LOVES her Aunt Lindsay.

In January I was given the go to work out again. There was NO WAY I was going to wake up early to get my walk in, (already waking up in the night and too early with Travis) so Lyla colored and Trav slept while I did a little walking.  Lyla likes to walk on the treadmill.

Tummy time! (3 months old)

February 2014

We do a count down the Valentine's Day and one of the days Lyla got to go on a date with Daddy.

Do you want to build a  snow man?
Lyla was excited for some snow on a Saturday so Daddy could help her.
(It melted a couple of hours later)

We also took a trip to visit Great Grandma Zobell's grave.
It was a neat experience talking to Lyla about how we will see her again.

We drove up to the ski resort by house house and pulled off to the side of the road to go sledding.
Lyla wasn't so sure at first, but loved it. She even went down by herself a few times.
The nice part about pulling off to the side of the road, was that Travis could stay in the nice warm car.

March 2014

The kids and I took a trip to Utah and drove down to Orem to visit with Great Papa Zobell.
Travis sat in Grandpa lap the whole time.

Cousin Molly turned 1!
I can't believe how big she is getting.

Swimming at Molly's party.
Lyla wanted to blow bubbles the whole time.
Travis loved the water.
I am excited to go swimming this summer.

Our Furgus brought us green things St Patrick's Day morning.

Travis got a new swing and he loves it!
He has already taken a couple of naps in it.

Lyla loves her swing set and is so ready for warm weather!

Well, that's a sum of the last couple of months.
Hopefully I don't fall behind anymore.

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