Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend and Travis' Blessing Day.

We had a great Thanksgiving with my parents, Aunt Meggie and cousin D.
 I am so thankful for all of my blessing, for my family and for the Gospel.

I love my sister Meggie!
Sense Travis has been here she has seen him every week.

Thanksgiving morning we walked the Turkey Trot 5K.
It was kinda cold and poor Scott had to carry Lyla the whole time, but it was lots of fun.

Lyla loved the Turkey and was convinced that he was going to come to her house for dinner.

Us waiting inside before the race started.

Lyla eating her apple as her Dad carries her.
I can't wait for next year's race!

Friday night we went to the lighting of the square in Rupert.
Santa came riding in on a fire truck and turned all of the Christmas lights on.

Us in front of Santa's house waiting to visit him.

Lyla and Scott watching the fireworks!

Lyla told Santa she wanted playdough with scissors and squishies.
Then she thought he was going to give them to her right then.
I had to explain to her that she would have to wait until Christmas morning.

My AWESOME sister made us matching hats!

On Sunday, December 1st we blessed Travis.
It was such a great day!
So blessed to have the Priesthood in my home and to have so many
 family members come to celebrate our little guy with us.

My cute little family!

Gry-a and Papa Ward with 3 or their 4 grandkids.
Just missing Molly and her parents.

My Boompa came up for the day.
We love Boompa so much!

Aunt Meggie, Uncle Andrew and cousin D.
So glad Andrew could hitch a ride from Scott's parents to make it.
Love this family!

Only really good picture Lyla took all day.
Glad the weather was nice so Gry-a and Papa Lindstrom could make it.

Great Gry-a Lindstrom and Travis.
So glad Grandma could spend the day with us,

Jill and Uncle Jason

Uncle Houston and Aunt Lindsay

My handsome Travis.
Travis was blessed in the same outfit that Scott was blessed in.
We added a white shirt underneath and he borrowed cousin D's white bow tie.

It was a great day!
I feel so blessed!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Travis' Birth Story!

His birth was a lot different than Lyla's.
With her I had been in labor all day (ALL DAY) and after pushing for a couple of hours
I was rushed to surgery and she made her appearance by c-section.
So we had decided to do another c-section for Travis.
(Which was a good choice because he was breech)

It was nice to wake up around 5 am and drive to the hospital (which is across the street from my house) knowing that I would have a baby before 8 am.  
As soon as they hooked me up to everything I started contracting every 5 to 6 minutes.
He knew he was suppose to come that day.

Scott dressed in scrubs.
This c-section was so relaxed compared to the last one.
Everyone was chatting and laughing.
My neighbor was even there to help Travis when he came out.
They rolled me into surgery around 7:30 and he was born at 7:48.
8 lbs. 5 oz and 20 inches long.
I thought for sure he was going to be smaller than Lyla, but he's bigger.

Lyla was so excited to see her little brother, but was a little concerned that she didn't see me right away.  She was really excited to give him a present we had picked out for him.

After recovery I finally got to hold my Travis.
It such an amazing experience getting to hold that little guy after months 
of dreaming and thinking about him.
We also told both sets of parents his full name...
Travis Scott Lindstrom.

Daddy and Travis.
Scott is such a great dad!

We were so glad Scott's parents could be here to see Travis.
Also, extremely grateful Scott's Mom could come back the next week
and help me take care of the two kids.

Also, grateful my parents could be here and could take care of Lyla for me while I was in the hospital.
So glad my Mom could stay the week and that my Dad could come back up after working for a couple of days.  It's wonderful to have amazing family.

The whole time I was pregnant Lyla talked about the baby sister in her tummy.
So we got her a baby sister and gave it to her at the hospital.
She loves it and keeps thanking Travis for bringing her sister to her.

We came home from the hospital Halloween morning.
Travis and his 'Dad sock monkey' (Lyla got a 'Dad bear').
It's always nice to get home and get settled into real life.

Aunt Meggie and D came down from Boise for a day or two to see Travis.
D' is so excited to have a boy cousin.

Aunt Sara and Uncle Logan came up from Orem with my Dad later that
 weekend to meet Travis and see our house.

Lyla loves her Baby Brother and wants to help me in anyway she can.
She always wants to hold him and give him kisses.
So glad she likes him so much.

He has found his thumb.

Travis is perfect!
He's a great eater and sleeper.
He looks so much like Lyla did at this age.
You can tell they are siblings.

So glad to have my little guy here.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Friday Lyla wanted to swim, 
but I didn't feel like getting in a swim suit and going to the pool.
So we stayed home and played in the backyard.

When Daddy got home we hung out in the backyard some more.
(Our huge DEAD tree we will be taking down this fall in the back ground)

Lyla loves her swing set!

Saturday morning we started painting Baby Travis' room!
Lyla was really excited and wanted to paint it yellow.

Scott finally got himself a BYU flag! (Later this day he wanted to burn it.)
Lyla has been practicing the BYU fight song.

Eating pizza while we watch the game. 

We decided to go visit Gry-a and Papa Lindstrom in Boise after church on Sunday.
We always have so much fun with them.
Lyla's Uncle Houston and Aunt Lindsay (they are getting married this winter)
were visiting also. Lyla enjoyed jumping on the tramp with them and making silly pig noises.

Monday morning we went to the zoo with Gry-a and Papa Lindstrom.

Us in front of the T-Rex.

Lyla LOVES the goats and she really like this guys beard and kept petting it.

Lyla loved all of the flowers and butterflies in this exhibit.

Riding on the little tiger.

So cute!!!

Lyla couldn't wait to see the giraffe's!
That is all she wanted to see the whole time.

Visiting Gry-a and Papa Lindstrom is always so much fun.
Lyla loves reading books with them and finding toads in the backyard.

We had a great weekend!