Friday, January 4, 2013

New House

We bought and moved into our new house in Burley, ID two weeks before Christmas.
We are loving it!  There is so much space and it's so fun to decorate.
We started with taking down the ugly, fuzzy (yep I said fuzzy) stripped wall paper in the kitchen.
Scott is in the process of taking carpet out (of laundry rooms and bathrooms) and replacing it with tile. 
This next week we I am going to paint Lyla's room pink! It's going to be amazing!
Lyla is liking the fact that she can run around.  
I like the fact that when she makes a mess it's just in one room and not the whole house. :-)

More pictures to come as we finish projects!

Lyla loves her huge backyard.
I can't wait until spring/summer when we can really enjoy our yard.

Our first Christmas in our new house!

On Christmas Eve we let Lyla open her pj's.
As soon as she got them open she jumped up and gave me a hug and thanked me.
She is so sweet.

Christmas morning!  Lyla was so excited when she looked down the stairs and saw all the presents!
(Oh and Lyla picked out my pj's) ;-)

Watching Lyla open presents is the best part.  She was so excited about every thing. When she opened presents I would tell her who they were from and she would thank them (even though they weren't there).  She wanted to open everything and play with everything all at once.

No we did not get Lyla a cat.  We talked about it, but I think we will wait until her birthday in July.  
This is one of the many stray cats that hang out in our backyard.  
Whenever we go out to play with them they run away. 
 They seem to like us as long as we are inside and they are outside. 
 Lyla loves them and calls all kitties Miss (That is my mom's cat's name). 

Lyla loves the snow...until her hands get cold and then she melts down and we have to get inside as fast as possible.  She loves to use brooms and dust pans to move the snow.  I wish it wasn't so cold.  
We are loving our new house.
We are excited for the New Year and all the new adventures that will come our way.


  1. so fun. i cant wait until we can have a house. oh and by the way Joe got another internship in boise so we will be back this summer, so if you are ever in town visiting family please come see us. AJ would love to see Lyla.

    1. Emily, I will for sure come visit you this summer in Boise! :-)

  2. That is so exciting! When I drove through burley to Utah I thought you guys. I can't wait to see pics of the house once you're done making it cute and your own. You all look so happy!! Congrats guys!

  3. You are so grown up! If for any reason I take a trip your way, I expect my own room and bathroom as well as room service!!

    1. Jade, anytime you are ready for a trip north your room is ready! ;-)
